Research Interests:
Ongoing (corresponding to plans for lab rotation):
- Predictive coding in mouse V1 cortex (ref)
- Two-photon imaging in layer 2/3 of V1 in awake mice
- Explore predictive computation with sequential stimuli in experiments
- Implement canonincal computation in microcircuit models and cortical networks
- Measurement of neural circuit dynamics (prospective second rotation)
- Theoretical/computational neuroscience (prospective third rotation)
Paper I am currently reading/thinking about (in the Github wiki and would hopefully be updated)
Interesting simulations (please check out this wab page with short scripts I wrote for practice and for fun!)
Past projects:
Predictive information for temporal patterns in the retina (MS seminar2 , MS seminar1)
- Spatiotemporal activities in the nervous system
- How is "time" represented in activities of neural population?
- What are some coding strategies to hold temporal information in a neural networks?
General interests:
- Understand dynamics in neuroscience (continuing research in systems and computational neuroscience)
- Can some illusion or animal behavior reveal the underlying mechanisms in neural dynamics?
- Roles of stochasticity ("noise") and spontaneous activities in neural computation
- Investigate thermodynamics and signatures of criticality in biology
- Is the nervous system poised at criticality? What are some functional benifits and possible mechanisms?
- Experiments to verify the hypothesis (novel methods to record or stimulate neural ensemble across scales? measures for information or complexity?)
- Biophysics of the cell (another area that really interests me)
- Detection and regulation of physical signals (such as electrical or mechanical cues) in the cell
- How do cells control cytoskeleton and membrane properties to form different morphology and produce motion?